The Product Designer's Guide to the Galaxy
Hello, friends. @aclarkk here. I'd like to tell you about this newsletter thing I'm doing. I call it "The Product Designer's Guide to the Galaxy."
But, what is it? Glad you asked. It's a collection of things I find worthwhile in this month's mess of design "news". No click-bait, and no spam. Just the things I think you don't want to miss.
There's a lot of noise out there in the design galaxy. I've done my best to pull together a few signals worth paying attention to.
What you can expect
- 5-6 things I find interesting. These could be articles, books, services, or anything else that's relevant
- Some short commentary on why I think it's worth your time
- Timely delivery, once a month
- No spam, ever
The PDGG is powered by mailchimp, so it's easy to unsubscribe at any time. There's a link at the bottom of every email, and there's even one right here.
If you'd like to subscribe, add your email below.
If you like the PDGG, please consider sharing it with your friends.
Welp, see ya later.
Alan Clark1>